Alzheimer’s Disease Research
Among the Amish
Among African American Communities

Collaborating with the Amish Community
Dr. Haines has worked for more than 20 years with the Amish in central Ohio. Because most members of the Amish community do not use phones or email, members of the Haines Lab team meet face-to-face to explain our studies and enroll participants. Analysis of clinical and genetic data has been invaluable in foundational research about this complex, but nevertheless common condition, with heritable as well as environmental and behavioral influences.

Protective Genetic Variants for AD in the Amish
The Haines lab is focused on identifying genetic variants that correlate with protection from AD vs those that correlate with increased risk for AD.
We eventually will follow more than 600 known and newly identified cognitively normal individuals age 75+ along with their 1st and 2nd-degree relatives.
These individuals will be followed for several years, with repeat cognitive/clinical exams and the collection of updated biological specimens (blood and plasma) to track how cognitive function progresses over the years and if there are changes in their genetic profile that may indicate the presence of biomarkers and/or disease progression.

Collaborating with African American Communities
Research has shown that AD is a complex condition with heritable, environmental, and behavioral influences. The Haines Lab has led the way for many years in advocating for diversity in research, recognizing that the disease manifests differently and at different rates across various communities.
Current NIH-funded work in the Cleveland area includes outreach and recruitment among families and individuals with African American ancestry. This work is part of a global effort to build a data set focused on people with African and/or Hispanic heritage for an unprecedented sample size among people who historically have been underrepresented in large-scale genetic research.

2103 Cornell Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44106